[sugar] Missing "locale" directories during build

jofate@jotaro.com jofate
Sat Mar 24 23:08:09 EDT 2007

I've worked around an error I found while building Sugar (I hope this is
the right place to mention this).  The new localization code added to
bundlebuilder fails to find a "locale" directory for many activities,
which causes an IOError during the build.  I'm not sure if this is
intentional; I would think most people who are writing a new activity
would not immediately need a locale directory.

But until either the bundlebuilder is fixed or the activities are updated
with locale directories, here's how I worked around the problem:  Just
before line 157 of

    for langdir in os.listdir('locale'):

I added the line:

    if os.path.exists('locale'):

and indented the "for" block.  I've submitted the issue as ticket #1157 in
the tracker.

-- Joe Lee

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