[sugar] X fonts, and Cairo fonts

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpg
Wed Mar 14 11:23:45 EDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-03-14 at 07:05 -0800, Alan Kay wrote:
> Hi Marco --
> Animation of lots of Cairo objects is not "free" on the XO (it is in 
> fact severely limited right now, especially if collision detection is 
> also needed), so we just have to widen the point of view to include 
> larger issues to see what Bert is driving at.

Hi Alan,

what I was pointing out is that, given the architecture we chose to
adopt for graphics (i.e. Cairo), make stuff resolution independent is

If what you are suggesting is that we should not use Cairo because it
has performance problems than I have two objections:

1 Profiling shows that the main bottleneck is not Cairo itself but the
888 -> 555 conversion. Cairo does not support 565 but that's fixable if
we want to.
2 We need a powerful 2D API, given that the user experience design is
heavily based on vector graphics. I don't see realistic alternatives to
Cairo (and I don't think we should be looking for one given 1)


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