[sugar] stable build status

Christopher Blizzard blizzard
Mon Mar 5 18:45:24 EST 2007

Hi, folks!  Here's a status of where we are as of build 285:

Outstanding issues:
- new firmware + autoupdate?
  - richard says that 73 is good enough for now can make an autoupdate
to go with our stable build
- iperf bug fix (from marcelo/andres)
- new wireless firmware (from marcelo)
- journal shouldn't start on startup right now

Fixed issues:
- not able to log in in qemu build (johnp fixed)
- sugar blocks on service startup (johnp fixed)
- new activity from erikb (done)
- new kernel from andres (done)
- new tamtam from ethrop (done)
- new sugar (should be included from marco)


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