[sugar] [PATCH] unfreeze DCON when Sugar UI is (almost) ready to show

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpg
Thu Jun 14 04:33:06 EDT 2007

Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> This is part of a masterplan to implement #621 .


we need to get the hardware-manager part of this in before, otherwise we 
will traceback on startup.

> +        # Unfreeze the display when it's stable
> +        get_hardware_manager().set_dcon_freeze(0)
> +
>      def _activity_started_cb(self, home_model, home_activity):
>          activity_host = ActivityHost(home_activity)
>          self._hosts[activity_host.get_xid()] = activity_host

Is this actually working? You need something like:

from hardware import hardwaremanager

hw_manager = hardwaremanager.get_manager()


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