[sugar] Data Transport between nodes

Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero dirakx
Mon Jun 11 18:09:31 EDT 2007


The code for the hello mesh is in


On 6/11/07, Simon McVittie <simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 at 16:49:31 -0400, Nolambar von L?meanor wrote:
> > I need to send some simple data, specifically a name from an election,
> the
> > list of choices and some others between nodes. This need to be secure
> and
> > reliable (we plan to add GPG support or some kind of digital signatures)
> and
> > I'm wondering if this should be done with telepathy (tubes) or can be
> done
> > with xml-rpc or maybe some other ("easier") alternative.
> You should use the "distributed D-Bus" mode of Telepathy Tubes; this will
> allow it to work in any environment where chat works, in a transparent
> way. My colleague Morgan Collett (morgs on irc.freenode.net #sugar) is
> working
> on a Tubes "hello world" example which you'll be able to use as a
> reference,
> and on improved client-side API so Tubes are easier to use.
> We plan to make integrity transparent - communication with the server is
> currently cleartext but will be SSL/TLS later, while communication
> across the mesh network is currently cleartext but will later be
> authenticated and possibly signed. The signing will be done
> with the "owner key" (a DSA keypair) which is generated when you first
> use a new OLPC.
> If you want to provide integrity guarantees before we officially support
> this, you could generate your own signatures at the application level
> and send them along with your messages - binary blobs (in the form of byte
> arrays, signature 'ay') are fully supported by D-Bus, and hence by Tubes.
> Regards,
>         Simon
> --
> Simon McVittie, Collabora Ltd.: http://www.collabora.co.uk/
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: OpenPGP key: http://www.pseudorandom.co.uk/2003/contact/ or
> pgp.net
> iD8DBQFGbbiAWSc8zVUw7HYRAq96AJ9+0NheXiOgN5TSZyhbfGkGTd3V4QCgrhPG
> FzkSvzMCm76ktEM2MTu7gXY=
> =YPtO
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Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
OLPC Colombia
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