[sugar] Tinderbox results, 20070605-0145.

Ryan Pavlik abiryan
Tue Jun 5 13:58:57 EDT 2007

Chris Ball wrote:
> Hi,
>    > All modules built successfully:
>    > http://dev.laptop.org/sugar-tinder/20070605-0145/
>    > The following activities failed to run:
>    > http://dev.laptop.org/sugar-tinder/20070605-0145/activities.html
> Some follow-up points here:
> * These mails aren't being sent automatically at the moment, because I
>   don't know how often everyone will want to see them.  The tinderbox
>   script generates the mail message, and my plan for now is to send it
>   out manually when something changes in the results.
> * Do we want these messages to go to sugar@, or is that too spammy?
>   We can create another list if needed.
> * Could we have the logs/*.log files contain only one copy of the
>   Python tracebacks?  That would make these mails easier to follow.
> * I guess it would be easy to keep a dictionary of "activity name 
>   => maintainer e-mail address", and then CC: the maintainers of
>   broken activities on these mails.  Good idea?
> Let me know if you have any other ideas about features for this.  
> Thanks,
> - Chris.
I like the idea of automatic change notification.  Would it be too 
labor-intensive to have a broadcast-only mailing list for the 
notifications, instead of a single maintainer's email address?  In at 
least AbiWord, there may be multiple people capable of resolving an 
issue, and so a mailing list would permit those interested to sign up to 
be notified on a granular basis.


Ryan Pavlik
AbiWord Win32 Platform Maintainer, Art Lead: www.abisource.com
AbiWord Community Outreach Project: www.cleardefinition.com/oss/abi/blog/

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