[sugar] Issue: Activities do not start
Ryan Pavlik
Sun Jun 3 16:39:39 EDT 2007
Hello! I've run a sugar-jhbuild, and with a work-around hack to get
around my previous problem, I can now run the sugar desktop. However,
when I click to start an activity, it will show up in the ring for a
little while (a few seconds) then disappear, never starting fully. Here
is a complete log of a sugar session in which I try to start the Write
activity: presumably the interesting stuff is at the end. (I'm on AMD64
if that makes a difference, Ubuntu Feisty)
I am wondering if there is anything I can do to fix this issue, or if it
is a problem in the source. (and if so, if it's easy enough for me to
fix). Thanks for your help!
ryan at gamma:~/srctrees/sugar-jhbuild$ ./sugar-jhbuild run
INFO:sugar-emulator:Attempting to find free port for X11 (Xephyr)
INFO:sugar-emulator: Found free port: #3 (6003)
INFO:sugar-emulator:Starting the Xephyr nested X display on display 3
GtkWarning: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "candido",
dpi = gtk.settings_get_default().get_property('gtk-xft-dpi')
DEBUG:sugar-emulator:Xephyr command: Xephyr :3 -ac -screen 1200x900 -dpi 96
_XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
_XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/gamma:3
_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6
Extended Input Devices not yet supported. Impelement it at line 625 in
INFO:sugar-emulator:Attempting to launch sugar to replace this process:
dbus-launch dbus-launch --exit-with-session sugar-shell
Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic, removing
from list!
Matchbox: error parsing
Incorrect Params in <font id='titlefont' def='Bitstream Vera Sans bold 7'/>
Matchbox: error parsing
Incorrect Params in <font id='titlefont' def='Sans bold 16px'/>
Introspect error: Process
exited with status 1
Introspect error: Process
received signal 6
Ryan Pavlik
AbiWord Win32 Platform Maintainer, Art Lead: www.abisource.com
AbiWord Community Outreach Project: www.cleardefinition.com/oss/abi/blog/
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