[sugar] GComprisXO progress
Bruno Coudoin
Sun Jul 1 07:59:25 EDT 2007
GCompriXO is a development branch of GCompris which focuses on Sugar
integration. Once complete, it will be the base of all future
development in GCompris.
Currently, there as been two major changes in GCompris related to the
- we removed libsdl_mixer as our audio backend and replaced it by
gstreamer (already in gcompris trunk).
- Screen size Independence. We rely on the scaling feature of the gnome
canvas to size our window to the user screen. We no more use xvidmode.
There is a drawback in term of quality, moving to svg should help but
currently the gnome canvas and our code does not use the svg native
scaling feature.
- changed the way we organize activities in our code. Now each activity
has its own directory. This makes it easy to package independent
activity instead of having a big GCompris that contains all of them.
To test it:
svn co svn+ssh://bcoudoin at svn.gnome.org/svn/gcompris/branches/gcomprixo
cd gcomprixo
sh autogen.sh --disable-sqlite && make
To test one acytivity:
cd src/fifteen-activity/
To create an independant 'bundle' (not at the sugar standard yet)
tar -cvhzf wordprocessor-activity.tgz wordprocessor-activity/
--exclude .svn --exclude wordprocessor-activity/resources/skins/babytoy/
If you want translations, you can run a make install to have them
installed in /usr/local/share/locale and then in an activity directory
ln -s /usr/local/share/locale/ .
./runit.sh (and it's translated)
What's left to do:
- add missing makefiles to make full GCompris installation to work as
- sound support is broken
The most important for sugar:
- sugarize gcompris binary. On this one, I need help. I have seen that
we need to have dbus support. I could not find documentation on that
point, can someone point me on the right direction.
- add a make sugarbundle to create on the fly bundles for sugar
- add a way to build the sugar activity.info file
- add a sugar compliant svg icon
Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org Logiciel Libre ? Toulouse
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