[sugar] Programming environment to develop activities

"João Bosco A. Pereira Filho" jpf
Fri Feb 23 14:22:11 EST 2007

Andrew Clunis escreveu:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 03:10:56PM -0200, "Jo?o Bosco A. Pereira Filho" wrote:
>> Hello,
>>    I am programming some activities for Sugar but I am not certain 
>> about wich tools to use.
>>    I was using Ubuntu, with Eclipse + python plugin and sugar-jhbuild. 
>> Then, I can make the software in the IDE and test it inside Sugar. But 
>> then I cannot debug ... ;(
>>    What programming environment do you recommend to develop activities 
>> for Sugar? Which operating system? Wich IDE?
> Right now I'm using the same tools you are, Eclipse/PyDev and then
> running the project manually inside sugar-jhbuild.
> I'm writing Sugar's own IDE, Develop.  Once it gets a little more
> feature complete, I'll start recommending it to people.  But for now,
> Eclipse seems to be your best bet.
> Develop's wiki page:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Develop
> I'm not aware of any particularly practical way to debug sugar
> activities right now, but debugging support within Develop is definitely on
> my TODO list.
> Stay tuned!

    The idea is to use it inside sugar-jhbuild in a regular linux 
distribution, in the laptop or both?

    Thank you!

Jo?o Bosco A. Pereira Filho
Desenvolvedor de Software
Funda??o CERTI

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