[sugar] Building squeak: tinlizzie.org down?

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki
Wed Feb 7 20:05:45 EST 2007

  Hi, Ivan,

> > (How many people in the world got suffered by using the default
> > logical volume name and volume group name for different disks, and
> > later decided to mount both disks on the same computer?)
> Why don't we put whatever is necessary to build squeak on dev.laptop.org?

  Yes, that's what we realized^^; And if I'm not mistaken, the file
size probrem with git would be a big issue.  I think we can just push
the .rpm files to http://etoys.laptop.org/rpms/ (or a similar place)
and make it so that build process uses the rpms from there.  We would
like to keep our other "intermediate" stuff on other places like

  For various reasons, we wouldn't be making new rpms for a week or
so.  When Bert (who is on vacation) likes this idea, we can make the

-- Yoshiki

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