[sugar] help testing sugar-jhbuild

"João Bosco A. Pereira Filho" jpf
Mon Feb 5 08:37:51 EST 2007

Hello eveybody!

    I am trying to test the new versions of Sugar in my laptop (B1 
machine) but i am having some problems. If someone can help me I would 
appreciate. I am running build 239. 

    I saw some instructions in a wiki page about how to install 


    To do so, I need to use *git-clone* and it is not avaible in my 
laptop. I tried to install it using yum but it didn't work either.
    Why isn't git avaible in the devel images? How can I install it?

    Thank you very much!

Jo?o Bosco A. Pereira Filho
Desenvolvedor de Software
Funda??o CERTI

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