[sugar] collaboration, technical means?

Ryan Pavlik abiryan
Fri Feb 2 15:00:58 EST 2007

Ivan Krsti? wrote:
> Joshua N Pritikin wrote:
>> Technically, what is the means for collaboration? VNC?
> How do you mean?
AbiWord has a custom collaboration system (AbiCollab) developed by the 
finest AbiWord hackers and which will be featured on all platforms (with 
some UI luck) in the next major release.  It is my understanding that 
OLPC will use a specific backend (TCP instead of Jabber, but I may not 
know what I'm talking about) for word processor collaboration.  Based on 
my experience within the AbiWord project, it seems as though 
collaboration may be the responsibility of each activity, rather than 
any sort of all-encompassing system.  I'm guessing that UI concerns, 
useability, and bandwidth would preclude the use of VNC as "cheap and 
easy" collaboration, and certainly better methods are technologically 


Ryan Pavlik
AbiWord Win32 Platform Maintainer, Art Lead: www.abisource.com
AbiWord Community Outreach Project: www.cleardefinition.com/oss/abi/blog/

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