[sugar] Translation advice for Pippy.

Sayamindu Dasgupta sayamindu
Mon Dec 10 14:25:29 EST 2007


On Dec 9, 2007 12:56 AM, Chris Ball <cjb at laptop.org> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'd like to make code comments in Pippy examples translatable,
> especially since so many of our deployments have Spanish as a
> first language.  Here's one example of what an on-disk format
> could look like:
>    # The next comment is localised.
>    ##en: Pippy example comment
>    ##es: Pippy ejemplo comentario
>    a = 5
> In the Pippy view, the user would see either "# Pippy example" or
> "# Pippy ejemplo comentario" for that line, depending on their locale.

Well - you can have a system where there are source code example
directories for each locale. So, when Pippy starts in with LANG set to
es, it would load the files which are in examples/es

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