[sugar] IconButton using bundle icon file

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpg
Wed Apr 18 17:52:16 EDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-04-18 at 15:42 -0400, Thibaut Lamadon wrote:
> Hi all, 
> first, thks for your previous help.
> I'm switching the UI of the activity I'm working on from GTK to hippo
> widgets. With the IconButton, how do I use my own set of icons?
> I'm guessing it's something like having the svg icons in a special
> directory of the bundle, I just don't know which one. 
> Also, can someone give me the path to the source for the sugar
> widgets? It's the best place to get their different properties, isn't
> it? Or is there some kind of generated documentation?

Please wait a bit on this... We are reconsidering the controls
implementation. I'll post more informations about it in a few days.


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