[sugar] Integration with web apps (and Moodle specifically!)

Ivan Krstić krstic
Mon Sep 4 03:17:54 EDT 2006

Jim Gettys wrote:
> We'd love it if people start pulling on the ores together on school
> admin tools as well...  We certainly would like to see school
> administration tools as part of the ecosystem.

In general, I'd be very happy if someone volunteered to look at the
existing school administration tools ala SchoolTool and write up a
comparison document that identified the interesting features of such
software and looked at their viability for OLPC. An example of this kind
of document for caching proxies is here:


This would be a great way for someone to get involved.

Ivan Krsti? <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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