[sugar] Squeak / Etoys RPMs

Bert Freudenberg bert
Mon Oct 9 06:02:16 EDT 2006

Am 09.10.2006 um 11:44 schrieb Ivan Krsti?:

> Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
>> Yeah, I don't think auto* is going to be a good base anyway and Ian's
>> plan about setuptools made sense to me. Now, if Ian could work  
>> with Bert
>> to port the etoys activity over setuptools, I think that would be  
>> a good
>> basic test of his plan (the etoys activity looks really simple to
>> "package").
> Cool. Ian?

Fine by me, though as suggested earlier, I'd rather postpone this to  
after B-test. Until then, I've got more urgent things on my plate  
than changing the packaging. Ian is welcome to take etoys as an  
example, of course :)

>> That works for me. I'm going to need some C++ in the browser activity
>> but I can just keep it as part of sugar rather than using a separate
>> bundle.
> Sounds good.

Same for Etoys - at least until after B-Test, Etoys is wrapped in  
"regular" Python activity. The RPM is a noarch one, no executable  
binaries or libraries in there, just Python, Bash, and Squeak code.  
The Squeak virtual machine is needed, of course, but since it is  
going to be standard on the laptop, it is not included in the  
activity itself.

- Bert -

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