[sugar] Runtime problems on Ubuntu edgy (6.10)

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu
Wed Dec 20 19:11:43 EST 2006

On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 18:57 -0500, Mike Hunter wrote:
> ...but now, I've been waiting for squeakvm.org to return to planet
> earth.  It's been down for several days:
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2006-December/112162.html

Perhaps an etoy developer can help you with this. Squeak is needed by
the etoys activity, but if you skip the modules not building you can
build the rest of sugar:

./sugar-jhbuild build --skip=squeak,etoys

> Is there a supported way to build "stable releases" of sugar from
> source?

I think that no software produced for the olpc can yet be called stable
(but please someone correct me if I'm wrong).



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