[sugar] bug status: b-2

Ivan Krstić krstic
Wed Dec 20 08:33:35 EST 2006

We currently have 249 bugs in Trac targetting BTest-2. With the holidays
only a few days away, and the build just a few weeks after that, this is
an unrealistic number of bugs to resolve.

I'd like everyone who owns bugs in the system to consult this list of B2
bugs, grouped by priority:


Carefully consider your bugs. Make sure their priority truly reflects
how important they are for *this* particular build. Look at your
non-blocker bugs, and if they take a non-trivial amount of work,
strongly consider punting them to B-Test 3. There's no point in keeping
bugs targeted to B2 if no one's going to work on them until later, so
let's see if we can reduce the list to things which we really are going
to fix.


Ivan Krsti? <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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