[sugar] Icon for terminal

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpg
Thu Aug 31 12:08:06 EDT 2006

Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
>     does adding a default_type (use something random) help?
>     Marco
> Yes!
That's a bug... default_type should not be required. Can you please file 
it on dev.laptop.org?

> I am viewing the icon in another machine, and look very bad.

Do you mean it looks badly scaled? Or the icon itself is bad?

> If you want a icon i can try again.
> Another question, what are the planned functions of the F1,F2,keys. 
> You know they don't work if you have the Blobk Num key pressed?

See README for what the keys are supposed to do... The Bloc Num issue 
sounds like a bug, can you please post it on dev.laptop.org too?


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