[SoaS] SoaS decision panel: Do we ignore/protest two week deadline?/Starting deliberations?

Samuel Klein meta.sj at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 21:17:19 EDT 2009


You certainly read a lot into my minor edit!   I appreciate that you
want unambiguous opinions in the overview section.  There was no
consensus among the 6 people who had weighed in when I edited the
page, so it was misleading at the time to offer such a summary.

We're making some progress on that page.
* To people weighing in: please include a comment explaining your
position, or link your name to an email or edit where you explain it.
Our decision will be stronger and clearer if we can reach consensus on
language, beyond a simple yes/no.
* You can contribute to the proposed answers -- what it means to say
'yes/no/defer/abstain' -- here:

Sebastian, Faisal, Ben, and DSD : you have been quiet since that page
went up; your input is needed!

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 5:37 AM, Martin Dengler <martin at martindengler.com> wrote:
>> Well, in my opinion you've just said "it's OK not to have an opinion"

Not intended.  Opinions are essential - even if one's opinion is to
defer to the consensus of the rest.  (I am likely to defer on most of
these issues.)  And your wiki summary helps organize my understanding
of people's views, at least.  I hope it is useful for others too.


> 3. http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/soas/2009-October/000168.html

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