<title>Fedora SoaS Desktop</title>
<p>Sugar on a Stick is a Fedora-based operating system featuring the award-winning Sugar Learning Platform and designed to fit on an ordinary USB thumbdrive ("stick").</p>
<p>Sugar sets aside the traditional “office-desktop” metaphor, presenting a child-friendly simple graphical environment. Sugar automatically saves the child's progress to a "Journal" on your stick, so teachers and parents can easily pull up "all collaborative web browsing sessions done in the past week" or "papers written with Daniel and Sarah in the last 24 hours" with a simple query rather than memorizing complex file/folder structures. Applications in Sugar are known as Activities, some of which are described below.</p>
<p>It is now deployable for the cost of a stick rather than a laptop; students can take their Sugar on a Stick thumbdrive to any machine - at school, at home, at a library or community center - and boot their customized computing environment without touching the host machine’s hard disk or existing system at all.</p>
<div class="col-xs-12 text-center spin-download">
<p><a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="/soas/download/index.html" role="button">Download Now</a></p>
<h2>Understanding and creating content</h2>
<img src="/static/images/soas/write.png" alt="Write">
<p>Make a story, poem, report or anything with Write. Use formatting tools to add images or colors. Wwork together with friends.</p>
<img src="/static/images/soas/labyrinth.png" alt="Labyrinth">
<p>Put complex ideas on the computer. Use Labyrinth activity to mind map about new concepts, to explore new ideas or to reflect.</p>
<img src="/static/images/soas/fototoon.png" alt="FotoToon">
<p>Use images and text to create comic strips. FotoToon provides many options to add motion, speech and though to creations.</p>
<img src="/static/images/soas/paint.png" alt="Paint">
<p>Paint provides to tools to make artistic creations. Use brushes, stamps, shapes, text and images to create beautiful pictures.</p>
<!-- My observation, "two items per paragraph" do not display well -->
<h2>Learning by doing</h2>
<img src="/static/images/soas/turtleart.png" alt="Turtle Blocks">
<h4>Turtle Blocks</h4>
<p>Learn programming concepts with snap together blocks. Create art, animations and interactive programs in a graphics focused environment. Export your creations as SVG, PNG, or Logo and/or Python.</p>
<img src="/static/images/soas/physics.png" alt="Physics">
<p>Create real life simulations using shapes, motors, ropes and bolts to explore physics in the world. Work collaboratively on your simulation with friends.</p>
<!-- <h2>Getting technical</h2> perhaps omit this heading? -->
<img src="/static/images/soas/icon.png" alt="Pippy">
<p>Program applications in a simple yet powerful environment. The Python back end provides unlimited opportunities within a simple language and environment. (Programs created in Turtle Blocks can be imported into Pippy from which new Sugar activities can be created.)</p>
<!-- image required. --->
<img src="/static/images/soas/tba.png" alt="Develop">
<p>Make Sugar activities within Sugar itself. Develop provides templates for new games, native and web activities as well as simple environment to edit existing activities.</p>
<h2>Exploring the wider world</h2>
<img src="/static/images/soas/web.png" alt="Browse">
<p>Access the internet with Browse activity. Bookmark sites to research with friends and save sessions to the Journal to keep organized.</p>
<img src="/static/images/soas/getbooks.png" alt="Get Books">
<h4>Get Books</h4>
<p>Download electronic books from all over the web. Explore the classics and modern books with ease.</p>
<img src="/static/images/soas/read.png" alt="Read">
<p>Explore reports, documents, books and comic books with the Read activity. Bookmarking and commenting tools integrate with the Journal to allow limitless possibilities.</p>
<!-- This h2 section needs more work, query, omit Chat. -->
<img src="/static/images/soas/chat.png" alt="Chat">
<p>Chat provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion between two individuals or among a group as large as an entire classroom.</p>
<img src="/static/images/soas/jukebox.png" alt="Music">
<h4>Music, correction required</h4> <!-- This section needs more work, Tam tam and or jukebox? -->
<p>Use images and text to create comic strips. FotoToon provides many options to add motion, speech and though to creations.</p>
<img src="/static/images/soas/record.png" alt="Record">
<p>Record is the basic rich-media capture activity for the laptop. It lets you capture still images, video, and/or audio. </p>
<img src="/static/images/soas/imageviewer.png" alt="Imageviewer">
<p>A simple and fast image viewer tool for Sugar. It has standard features, like zoom, rotate, etc.</p>
<h2>Reflection on what you've learned</h2>
<!-- will 2 items in this paragraph display ok? -->
<p>The Sugar Journal provides an interface into a datastore of everything you've created in Sugar. It also provides access to files in the GNU/Linux file system and a variety of web services. The Journal also acts as a lab notebook: it contains metadata about our activities, including a description of your work and commentary on your work from others.</p>
<p>The primary approach to assessment within Sugar is to make learning visible to the user. The Portfolio provides a means to create periodic snapshots in slideshow form of representative work that shows what the learner can do, not just what s/he knows.</p>
<h2>Support Resources</h2>
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<!-- Is it helpful to mention that #sugar is provided by Activity IRC? probably no?-->
<h3><i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg header-icon fa-comments"></i>Chat</h3>
<p>Users and developers are available in the <a href="http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=sugar">#sugar</a> irc channel on <strong>irc.freenode.org</strong> for real-time chat.</p>
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<h3><i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg header-icon fa-envelope-o"></i>Email</h3>
<p>Users and developers are also available on the mailing list at <a href="http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/soas">soas@lists.sugarlabs.org</a>.</p>
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<h3><i class="fa fa-fw fa-lg header-icon fa-book"></i>Documentation</h3>
<p>Specific documentation and tutorials are available at the <a href="http://www.sugarlabs.org/">SoaS project upstream website</a>.</p>
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<h4><i class="fa fa-fw header-icon fa-question-circle"></i>General Help Using Fedora</h4>
<p>Sometimes you may encounter an issue with this spin that you can get help with using general Fedora support resources. A list of resources is available at the <a href="https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicating_and_getting_help">Fedora “Get Help” page</a>.</p>
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