[Marketing] [IAEP] Go Social via Social Media

Ifeanyi Peter ifeanyipeter42 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 9 11:23:07 EDT 2016

 I wanted to reply Sean on the below statement, but Samson nailed it. 

>(Ifeanyi - it's not the case that buying ads from news sites will> generate coverage, that's not how journalists work.)
Jut to add, there are lot of Articles out there about OLPC that aren't news, same as Google and other sites, these promotes the site backlinks which in turn boost Google search appearance of these orgs.
Did not know you were in Marketing (and please do not step down), we are all contributors and volunteers and we are not trying to re-invent any wheels, like Samson said, it is just a suggestion.
Maybe anytime we have suggestions that concerns Marketing, we would just forward it to the Marketing Dept. for review. How to I join the marketing team as well, I have some suggestions.

    On Thursday, June 9, 2016 3:50 PM, "sugar-devel-request at lists.sugarlabs.org" <sugar-devel-request at lists.sugarlabs.org> wrote:

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Today's Topics:

  1. Re: [IAEP] Go Social via Social Media (Proposal/Motion)
      (samson goddy)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 15:50:21 +0100
From: samson goddy <samsongoddy at hotmail.com>
To: Sean DALY <sdaly.be at gmail.com>, Dave Crossland <dave at lab6.com>
Cc: "marketing at lists.sugarlabs.org" <marketing at lists.sugarlabs.org>,
    "sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org" <sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org>,
    iaep <iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org>, sugar labs
    <slobs at lists.sugarlabs.org>
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Go Social via Social Media
Message-ID: <DUB125-W7288CD6B030D55D34D0F8FB35F0 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Sorry Sean, but i think you are getting this motion all wrong. First i don't think you should step away for anything, like i said it's just a motion. SL can decide what to do with it. If it get rejected i won't feel bad, just sad i guess for me and dave's time wasted effort. I also promise myself not to create any motions regarding making sugar bigger(Socially) after this one because i see it as wasted $$ in cyber cafe.

  To make something clear to everyone, I don't intend to do anything that will affect this organization. My aim is to make sure i help SL in my own way as a contributor. So to answer some of the questions, First i said that the monetizing can be debated. So it's up to SLOBs to decide what to do about the adsense. Secondly, my marketing objectives is to make SL socially active. And yes getting alot of likes and clicks will do SL good because it will get people talking. OLPC that is based just on producing machines  they have more followers on twitter/Facebook than us(SL) the software provider which is extremely bad. How is the activities.sugarlabs.org doing now?, look at the success of scratch in MIT media lab, Scratch is one of the main programming tool used by kids this days even in Nigeria, when we have something smarter than it(Turtleart/block). 

Why is it like that, i think that we don't want to show the world what we are capable of, socially. When was our facebook page created, but what i know for sure is that it's over 3 years now and we still have what? 648 likes!. While communities like the scratch use the social media as a strategy to get people talking, i think they just signed a deal with cartoon network. Now scratch is trending topic in the tech world, while don't we use that as our advantage? we have scratch activity, why not tell people using the socia media that scratch is available in Sugar platform. If we do that, what do you think will happen?

  What do you mean by creating a Facebook-only version of Sugarizer (? if there are resources to do so?). I said that SL developers should also ports SL java-script project the facebook world for example sugarizer. They are some addicted facebook users that just facebook all day. So why won't SL port this project so that the addicted users can use. If it's a bad idea, i think is also a bad idea to make Sugarizer available on itunes, google playstores, chromestore etc. Because what is the point of making this application private when people from other world can access our activities. Think about it!

  Yes, we are using the Google AdGrants now. So that is not an issue! PLus, i think that there should be a paid manager. If the person is not financially strong. E.g like me i spent an average $20 a day in the cyber cafe browsing. For me to be the manager(for instance) it's will cost me more $$, when i can just get funds from SL to do the work done. So that it will be taken serious. I will see it as a responsibility. The SL paid social manager makes sure everything is in place by uploading SL work, news update, events, videos online etc, for example the same process as the translation manager. If SLOBs think it can be volunteer driven, it's for the benefit of SL and i won't be sad.  

"however major media tech sites won't publish anything about us unless we
have news, and right now we don't. (Ifeanyi - it's not the case that 
buying ads from news sites will generate coverage, that's not how 
journalists work.)" I don't think that's true, we do have something, that's why they are content creators in the community. We give them topic like "why Sugar?", "what is sugar?" etc. 

  So dave and I already set up SL accounts which are:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/sugar_labs https://twitter.com/sugarlabs
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SugarLabs-187845102582/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfsR9AEb7HuPRAc14jfiI6g
Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/111673993478233827739/
Instagram: Coming soon!

From: sdaly.be at gmail.com
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 11:40:53 +0200
To: dave at lab6.com
CC: samsongoddy at hotmail.com; sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org; slobs at lists.sugarlabs.org; marketing at lists.sugarlabs.org; iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Go Social via Social Media    (Proposal/Motion)

I'm sorry, I don't see how SL can support a new paid position. My suggestion would be to evaluate how the paid Translation Manager position works out.

I'm glad Samson you are eager to work on social media (as I've said), however I don't understand your marketing objectives. Put another way, just what content, from where, will generate lots of likes and clicks, towards what goal? I think the goal is developer recruitment, not for teachers or education IT buyers, or small donors, or major donors. If they matter too, do we use the same plan and tactics for them?

As I've said, I am opposed to associating random advertising with Sugar Labs for negligeable income. We should really do Google AdGrants. This can be done in cooperation with the SFC which is the nonprofit entity which will qualify (and Dave - we shouldn't try to control their account for this).

I am pleased there is motivation to work on PR, however major media tech sites won't publish anything about us unless we have news, and right now we don't. (Ifeanyi - it's not the case that buying ads from news sites will generate coverage, that's not how journalists work.)

I'm not comfortable with the idea of creating a Facebook-only version of Sugarizer (? if there are resources to do so?) - as fun and ubiquitous as fb is, it's a proprietary environment with highly questionable privacy policies. It's already possible to link to a public website from Facebook, this would be far better.

The previous times I have raised these points they haven't been answered. Perhaps the time has come for me to step away from Marketing/PR at SL and let you guys reinvent the wheel.


On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 11:11 PM, Dave Crossland <dave at lab6.com> wrote:
[ Here is the full text of the doc, by Samson with editing assistance

by myself ]

Concerning SL vision 2016, I think that SL should add social media as

one of our main ways to get new members. With the big name we have, we

should use that as an advantage to get people into our community - but

we aren’t.

Let me use myself as an example, I am a very active user in the social

world (facebook, twitter, instagram, and YouTube) even though I don’t

have a smartphone or a laptop of my own to use regularly. I have over

560 followers on twitter. According to twitter official report, my

tweets receive more than 1.9k impressions per day. For the past 28

days I have gotten over 42.4k impressions. My lowest impression is

about 50 on a tweet. My highest tweet is about 4,800 on a tweet. Now

imagine if SL can get this number of impressions by activeness alone

on twitter. Same goes to facebook, also posting images on instagram.

We can get more than 400 impressions a day via twitter, Also facebook

and instagram. If we do the math correctly, SL can get over 600 people

a day from social media to sugarlabs.org. That’s valuable traffic for

our sites.

How do we get started with this new development?

It’s very simple; I propose the following motion:

Motion: create a “Social Media Manager,” role, similar to the

translation manager position, paid $1,000/month plus discretionary use

of an advertising budget of $100/month.

I believe that the role will not be taken seriously if it is volunteer

driven. I am in charge of the social accounts of my church,another

non-profit organization. Their social media marketing was also not

taken seriously until the church made a modestly paid role. The church

community and I both saw it as a responsibility when the role was

paid; and my work was effective, as now we have over 4,000 followers

on facebook.

Money should be spent in order to gain more. More social media

followers will lead to more active members which will lead to member

donations. I know it’s a non-profit organization but that does not

mean we shouldn’t grow.

To get my contract approved by SLOBs. I spent almost 100 USD (21,000

naira) in cyber cafes answering questions that were not related to my

project, so if anyone does not understand this proposal, I strongly

suggest they make research on the internet first before asking

questions, because I will not answer if the questions are not


I believe in the growth of SL, but I think we can’t grow big if we are

not doing well on social media. Even if I am not experienced in

business, based on the fact that I am still young and not yet a

college graduate, this seems essential to any non-profit business. I

always thank God for Nigeria because even if the government is not

doing well, we Nigerians always find a way to thrive with any little

chance we find because of the way we think and live. Social media is

now essential for all organizations in all countries, including


According to our last report on activities.sugarlabs.org our weekly

download is getting lower and lower, though over 11 million activities

have been downloaded in total.

What we need to do to get SL growing bigger:

1.  SL needs to get a official YouTube account and channel:

a.  We need a Gmail account to create the account.

b.  We need to monetize our videos using Google adsense to create

more funds for SL.

c.  We will verify our YouTube channel.

d.  We will show live workshops in the channel. E.g. turtle art day

2. Make our twitter page live again:

a. We will regain access to @sugarlabs and shut down @sugar_labs

b. We will verify @sugarlabs account

c. We will boost (paying fees)our important tweets, like recruitment

for GSOC and GCI, our stable releases, etc.

d. We will run hashtag campaigns

3 Make our Facebook account live again:

We already own a facebook account, with almost 700 followers but low

engagement from followers.

a. We need to verify our facebook page(in progress) with a verified page.

We will stream live video of workshops or related projects.

b. We will post 5 times a day

c. We will boost our important posts

d. We will request SL members on facebook to share our posts with their friends.

Facebook owns an app market that enable javascript projects to run on

facebook. For example, people play games on facebook while chatting:

Sometimes I play “Pool Live Pro” while I update my profile or chat

with friends. So we will port sugarizer to the platform.

4. Make use of instagram:

a. We will post minimum 5 pictures of SL projects a day

b. We will request SL members on instagram to refer SL page to their followers

5. Make use of linkedIn:

a. We will update the community page on LinkedIn

b. We will ask every member on LinkedIn to update their profile to

show their involvement in  Sugar Labs.

6. Make use of Google+

a. We will make use of Google+ by posting our upcoming meetings

b. We will also post videos of Sugar labs

7. Make use of Online Media

We will work with Digital Trends, BBC tech, CNN tech and other

tech-related sites to publish SL articles.

I have some strong connections with digital trend, almost every top

guys on digital trends plus the company follows me on twitter except

their ceo who is yet to follow me. So i can take care of digital

trends. Let use our resource to help SL grow socially.

Paying of ads is not expensive, about $1 - $20 goes a long way on platforms

like facebook/twitter, so I propose a monthly budget of $1,000 for the

role and $100 initial budget for ads, for a total cost to SL of


This is a suggestion I am making to SL members and SLOBs on how SL

project can grow. This is not my project (like Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa).

It's something that can benefit SL to the fullest. I won’t get annoyed

if this motion does not pass but i will be sad. SLOBs should think

about this project twice on how it can benefit SL before making any


Any suggestions are welcome! it’s an open discussion!

Samson Goddy, with editing assistance by Dave Crossland


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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