[Marketing] suggestions from a pro

Walter Bender walter.bender at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 11:00:44 EDT 2010

<rmesquita>: 1. List the social network environments/tools (twitters,
communities, blogs, widgets, networks) associated with the
organization or which deserve its respect that are currently operating
in the social media ecosystem;
<rmesquita>: 2. Start organizing its strategy for web interactions
using a social network tool consisting of twitters and their
140-character twits, which can carry a link (“global bar table”),
defining those who represent the organization and its projects;
<rmesquita>: 3. Establish or formalize the twitters that currently try
to interact in countries with existing projects, project organization,
or emerging projects: Uruguay, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, and Rwanda.
<rmesquita>: 4. Define a way to use Twitter, the social network tool,
as an object of education, encouraging children who study on the OLPC
platform to open their own twitters, follow the twitters representing
the project of their schools, and twitters representing projects of
other regions or countries, discussing among them the local impact of
the OLPC project.
<rmesquita>: This policy of children involvement should be broadly
encouraged, even in countries that only have pilot projects.
<rmesquita>: 5. Define a way to use the Twitterfeed tool (a RSS
connection between different environments of a given individual or
his/her fans) to promote interaction among the different local
networks that should emerge from this process, giving priority to the
dynamic content of Flickr and Youtube. Examples of Friendfeed: a, b
and c.
<rmesquita>: 6. Define a strategy for the joint use of the Friendfeed
social network tool, a free router that helps combine interactions
coming from different social network tools (twitter, blogs,
communities, and social network applications such as Facebook, Orkut,
Peabirus, and others), using RSSs and making this space a reference
source for the whole process.
<rmesquita>: If this action plan is carried out, it will create
dynamics that will be an extension of the platform built on the XO.
<rmesquita>: That's it

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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