[Marketing] Meeting REMINDER (24 March 2009 - 15.00 UTC) - irc.freenode.net, #sugar-meeting - Proposed agenda

Sean DALY sdaly.be at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 09:07:59 EDT 2009


Marketers, I've been underwater and nevr sent last week's topics &
deliverables, I'll do that following today's meeting!

Marketing Coordinator

1. First 100 SoaS Sugar Labs branded USB sticks for FOSSVT
* Status

2. Target developers with tech-oriented release?
* +/- ?

3. FOSSVT: Next press push for beta of SoaS over fedora 11
* +/- ?
* Will SoaS be ready?
* Nomenclature: "beta 1"? -> countdown to v1.0

4. Printable PDF brochure
* Photo release text almost ready, but needs to be made up into printable form
* Fabulous Mike Lee photos, Bertf and Rita's

5. LinuxTag (24-27 June 2009)
* booth banner / roll-up banner: fabulous Mike Lee photos?
* secret to success booth marketing
* swag: cafepress (www.cafepress.com)?
* in general: shippable event marketing pack

6. How Google sees us
* Currently: "Spin-off of the "Sugar" desktop environment to another
project.", let's update & improve

7. Organizing teacher & parent feedback: start with SoaS beta?
* Allow each person with SoaS to become a Sugar Test Marketer
* Concept: report bugs without expectation of response
* Important: freestyle general comments/impressions field
* Not necessarily direct bug report -> triage?
* SaS cheap solution: Survey Monkey (www.surveymonkey.com)?

8. other topics?

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