<div dir="ltr">Hi All,<div><br></div><div>Currently Sugar defaults to using "<a href="http://jabber.sugarlabs.org">jabber.sugarlabs.org</a>" as a collaboration server in Sugar on a Stick and other GNU distros (fedora, debian, etc.). However, I propose that we change the default (this release!) to use the local network (telepathy salut). This is a feature is that is already in sugar, and is used on XOs and normal computers.</div><div><br></div><div>Why?</div><div><br></div><div>* Better activity support. Tubes are supported by salut, but not by gabble (server based collab.). This means that activities that haven't been ported this cycle (most of them) will still work under salut (proposed default), but will not work under gabble (current default)</div><div><br></div><div>* More contextual neighbourhood view. You only see people on your local WiFi (or wired) network. This is more helpful for finding your friends than the trawling the crowded <a href="http://jabber.sugarlabs.org">jabber.sugarlabs.org</a> neighbourhood.</div><div><br></div><div>* More features. File transfers work via salut, but not via <a href="http://jabber.sugarlabs.org">jabber.sugarlabs.org</a></div><div><br></div><div>* More speed and less lag.  <a href="http://Jabber.sugarlabs.org">Jabber.sugarlabs.org</a> is hosted in the mit. While that is good if you are a student at the mit, it is very laggy if you are in say Australia. I prefer near instant collaberation provided by my local network. Even if you are at the mit, your wifi router is still closer than <a href="http://jabber.sugarlabs.org">jabber.sugarlabs.org</a> (hopefully)</div><div><br></div><div>* Privacy. Users (specifically kids) aren't by default sharing their names and colours online and inviting others to send them things.</div><div><br></div><div>Is this ok? Will defaulting to use salut (local network) cause any issues for anyone? Is this ok for the 108 cycle?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks,</div><div>Sam</div></div>