We receive many times request about adding help in the activities,<br>and if is true Sugar propose a exploratory approach, <br>not all the people learn in the same way, <br>and there are people who prefer a little guidance.<br>
<br>For the development we need a simple api, and easy i18n,<br>and a non obtrusive experience for the user.<br><br>Inspired by the DescriptionItem, I was experimenting with a widget to add simple help to activities.<br>This is not:<br>
* A manual<br>* Lessons<br>* Tips<br>Is a short startup help for the activity.<br><br>Use only text and the icons already used by the activity.<br><br>A example can be seen here: <a href="http://dev.laptop.org/~gonzalo/images/simple_graph_help.png">http://dev.laptop.org/~gonzalo/images/simple_graph_help.png</a><br>
<br>In the activity we only need do:<br><br> helpitem = HelpButton()<br> toolbar.insert(helpitem, -1)<br> helpitem.show()<br> helpitem.add_section(_('Basic usage'))<br> helpitem.add_paragraph(_('First you need add data to create the graphic'))<br>
helpitem.add_paragraph(_('You can add data with this button'),<br> 'row-insert')<br> helpitem.add_paragraph(_('...or remove data with this button'),<br> 'row-remove')<br>
helpitem.add_paragraph(_('To change the graphic title, just change the activity title'))<br>....<br><br>This proposal is late for sugar 0.96, but may be we can try it in one or two activities,<br>and start thinking about this topic.<br>
I really like the help in the Implode activity, but have the following problems:<br>* I don't know if apply to other type of activities.<br>* Is modal<br>* need a lot of code to implement it.<br><br>Comments?<br><br>Gonzalo<br>