This is a call to all the interested in participate in eduJam event.<br>eduJam is a community event, then need the active participation of all the community.<br>We have written a few objectives for the event:<span class=""><br>
* Analyze the state of Sugar platform and plan the steps for the near future.</span><div class="" id="magicdomid10"><span class="">* Know the main achievements and challenges </span><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">faced by</span> <span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">existing</span> <span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">deployments.</span></span><span class=""></span></div>
<span class="">* </span><span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en"><span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">Join</span> <span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">the development community</span><span class="" title="Click for alternate translations">,</span> <span title="Click for alternate translations" class="hps">build links</span></span><br>
<span class=""></span>Are you interested in talk about any topic related to these objectives or <br>you have a great talk to share with us?<br>Please send a mail to <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
<span class=""><br>The program committee<br><br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Este es un llamado a todos los interesados en participar del evento eduJam.<br>
eduJam es un evento de la comunidad, entonces necesita de la participación activa de toda la comunidad.<br>Hemos escrito unos pocos objetivos para el evento:<br>* Analizar el estado de la plataforma Sugar y planear los pasos en el futuro cercano.</span><br>
<span class="">* Conocer los principales logros y desafíos que enfrentan los deployments existentes</span><br><span class="">* Unir la comunidad de desarrollo, crear lazos</span><br>Si estas interesado en hablar acerca de dealgun tema relacionado con estos objetivos<br>
o tenés una charla para compartir, envía un mail a <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br>El comité de pograma<br>