<div>Join today at 9PM UTC (4PM EST) our second meeting for discussing tools for the community, on #sugar-meeting.</div><div><br></div><div>Today I'd like to focus on the idea of making a portal for sharing info. Let's think of an enhanced planet, which aggregates blogs and microblogging posts, and helps users to broadcast and tag interesting information. </div>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><div><br></div><div>I propose to discuss according to the sources of information that could be integrated to the portal:</div><div>1. Aggregate feeds from blogs, websites, wikis & aslo.</div>
<div>2. Show what's happening in mailing lists, highlight important discussions</div><div>3. Broadcast some info of what happens on IRC channels</div><div>4. Integrate social networks (<a href="http://identi.ca/twitter">identi.ca/twitter</a>, facebook, uhloh, ...) info.</div>
<div>5. Integrate OLPCmap info</div><div><br></div><div>It would also be great to integrate info from "coding environments", like git commits and trac submits, but for timing reasons I'd prefer to discuss it in another moment.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Don't be shy and come in with your ideas and opinions!! :)</div><div><br></div>Saludos, <br>Pablo Flores<br>