Hi SJ, looking forward to see you again. Great, the Wiki Lounge is certainly one of the trends to follow at the Drumbeat. I did not notice other wikieducator slots, be happy to join and contribute. I am far from being capable of making activities, just in my first steps with python, Iĺl be happy to learn and play. See you soon, cheers,<br>
<br>werner<br><br><br><div class="gmail_quote">2010/10/31 Samuel Klein <span dir="ltr"><<a href="http://meta.sj">meta.sj</a>@<a href="http://gmail.com">gmail.com</a>></span><br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); padding-left: 1ex;">
Hi Werner, nice mooting :-)<br>
I think Christoph is sadly *not* coming. Â I will be in Barcelona next<br>
week, however, and I'm helping run the Wiki Lounge at<br>
Drumbeat -- where wikieducator has one or two relevant speaking slots<br>
and where I hope to see you! Â Some Sugar-related<br>
workshops would be most welcome, perhaps on making activities? in the<br>
Angels tent, Wiki lounge, or other spaces.<br>
<div><div></div><div class="h5"><br>
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Werner Westermann <<a href="mailto:wernerio@gmail.com">wernerio@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>
> Sorry the delay, we've held our Moodle Moot (Moodle chilean users anual<br>
> gathering: <a href="http://moodlemoot.cl" target="_blank">moodlemoot.cl</a>) that has kept me very occupied.<br>
> Great news!! Looking forward to meeting you. The Drumbeat is a very<br>
> flexible space to show Sugar's potential, there's a lot of activities. I<br>
> was planning to propose some kind of a workshop or lightning talk, but time<br>
> has not been on my side. Any ideas? I will also bring an XO-1.<br>
> At OpenEd, I will be presenting "Sugarizing" Teachers: ICT empowerment<br>
> through OERs", an initiative that builds open lesson plans on the<br>
> Wikieducator platform to integrate Sugar to curricular objectives on day 2<br>
> in the afternoon.<br>
> See you soon, regards,<br>
> werner<br>
> 2010/10/27 Christoph Derndorfer <<a href="mailto:e0425826@student.tuwien.ac.at">e0425826@student.tuwien.ac.at</a>><br>
>> Am 27.10.2010 19:03, schrieb Werner Westermann:<br>
>> > Hello to all.<br>
>> ><br>
>> > Any Sugar advocates attending any of these events?<br>
>> ><br>
>> > <a href="http://openedconference.org/2010/" target="_blank">http://openedconference.org/2010/</a><br>
>> > <a href="http://www.drumbeat.org/festival" target="_blank">http://www.drumbeat.org/festival</a><br>
>> ><br>
>> > Best wishes,<br>
>> ><br>
>> > werner<br>
>> ><br>
>> > Sugar Labs Chile<br>
>> Hi Werner,<br>
>> I was planning on going and was even awarded a travel scholarship by<br>
>> Mozilla but then had to cancel due to a scheduling conflict:-(<br>
>> Are you or anyone else from Sugar Labs Chile going?<br>
>> The one other person from the OLPC / Sugar community that I know was<br>
>> also applying to go there is Raul from ParaguayEduca fame (in CC).<br>
>> Cheers,<br>
>> Christoph<br>
>> --<br>
>> Christoph Derndorfer<br>
>> co-editor, <a href="http://www.olpcnews.com" target="_blank">www.olpcnews.com</a><br>
>> e-mail: <a href="mailto:christoph@olpcnews.com">christoph@olpcnews.com</a><br>
</div></div>> _______________________________________________<br>
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)<br>
> <a href="mailto:IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org">IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org</a><br>
> <a href="http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep" target="_blank">http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep</a><br>
<font color="#888888"><br>
Samuel Klein     identi.ca:sj       w:user:sj      +1 617 529 4266<br>