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You are absolutely right, Tom! I wrote that without looking at my notes... a bad idea when it is past bedtime!<br><br>Has anyone started a wiki page about the different ways to use SoaS on different kinds and models of machines? I will add to it if someone has started one, or start one myself sometime after Saturday. It should link to the main SoaS instructions page, list specific machines we have tested it on and the ways to run whatever will run on each.<br><br>Caryl<br><br><hr id="stopSpelling">Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 04:35:05 -0700<br>From: satellit@bendbroadband.com<br>To: cbigenho@hotmail.com<br>CC: soas@lists.sugarlabs.org; iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org; support-gang@laptop.org<br>Subject: Re: [SoaS] SoaS Creation Saga<br><br>
7* Use <ESC> key on starting up the EeePC for Hard Disk and USB
listing menu not <TAB><br>
Caryl Bigenho wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:SNT110-W4216F2E527945CB9159025CC080@phx.gbl">
<pre>Hi...<br><br>Still no luck making a live SoaS on the eeePC. I guess need to learn a lot more about Windows before I can do it. I have no idea which drive is which (A,B,...F,G...etc) or how to properly eject. a usb. Oh well, I do have 2 working non-persistant copies I can use Saturday, one on the MacBook and one on the eeePC.<br><br>I spent today printing and preparing materials to hand out at InfoTech on Saturday. Tomorrow I have to go get the CUELA XO library machines, bring them home and get them all reflashed and charged so I can check them out to teachers on Saturday. So, I am running out of time to do much more with SoaS before Saturday. <br><br>I do intend to pursue this until it is at a point when I can write the "Super Simple Steps to Soas," or something like that. Here is my report and some of my problems.<br><br>Problems keep coming up when I try to run the Live usb Creator on the eeePC. It keeps choosing the my source drive as the one to use as a target. Sometimes it looks like it is ready to work, but then comes up with the message that the checksums are wrong. I have no idea how to check them after downloading and before using them.<br><br>I do notice that there is an option to download the software as a part of the creation process. I assume this would cause fewer problems. Can the eeePC handle this? I could have it run overnight.<br><br>What does it mean when it says that I am running out of "Virtual Memory?" What is the largest size SD card can I use? How do I implement its use? Macs are so much easier (even though they can't do everything we wish they could).<br><br>Maybe I should just visit the local library and check out a copy of Windows for Dummmies, or should it be PCs for Dummies? I haven't a clue.<br><br>I did check on the frame triggers on the eeePC. The corners (all except the upper left) worked to trigger the frame. The suggestions to use the "fn" key to enable the F1, F2, and F3 keys to do what they do on the XO worked great. That is the "teacher friendly" way to solve that problem.<br><br>I notice that there has been a lot of use of SoaS in Argentina and some other Latin American countries. Are they using the same basic methods to create the usb sticks? I was thinking of asking them for suggestions too.<br><br>I'll keep you posted on my progress (or lack of it ;-D )<br><br>Thanks again to all of you who are helping me with this learning experience,<br><br>Caryl<br><br> <br><br> </pre>
<pre><hr size="4" width="90%"><br>_______________________________________________<br>SoaS mailing list<br><a class="ecxmoz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:SoaS@lists.sugarlabs.org">SoaS@lists.sugarlabs.org</a><br><a class="ecxmoz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/soas">http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/soas</a><br> </pre>
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