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<pre>Hi Marilyn,<br><br>Where are you in TX? You might be interested in what the<br>New Tech High is doing with Sugar and an OLPC Contributors<br>Program project in Coppell TX (near DFW). Here is a link<br>to their website:<br><br>http://newtechcoppell.org/New_Tech/Home.html <br><br>Be sure to check their blog. A copy of their Contributors Program <br>application is also in the site.<br><br>Caryl (retired teacher/OLPC-SugarLabs Support Volunteer)<br><br>Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 18:15:36 +0100<br>From: Sean DALY <sdaly.be@gmail.com><br>Subject: Re: [IAEP] Finally trying Sugar<br>To: marilyn@ourdyslexicchildren.org<br>Cc: iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org<br>Message-ID:<br> <378b2b051002260915q2e6f80a6kf0418633ca4f9150@mail.gmail.com><br>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1<br> <br>Greetings Marilyn - that's very exciting!<br> <br>We are eager to hear about what works (& doesn't); don't hesitate to<br>ask questions - there are teachers and techies here on the list!<br> <br>Sean<br> <br> <br>On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 8:44 PM, <marilyn@ourdyslexicchildren.org> wrote:<br>> Hi there!<br>><br>> Thanks to you all for your hard work. I am a high school tech teacher in<br>> Texas. I wasn't able to figure out how to put Sugar on a USB drive, but was<br>> able to burn it to a CD. Now I have made copies for all of my students<br>> (115) plus a classroom set. We are going to play with it in class for the<br>> next couple of weeks. The students who have tried it already and my own<br>> children (8 & 10) are very excited about it.<br>><br>> Creativity and collaboration. Wow. Hopefully we can explore all of the<br>> features.<br>><br>><br>><br>> Marilyn :)<br>><br>> _______________________________________________<br>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)<br>> IAEP@lists.sugarlabs.org<br>> <a href="http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep" target="_blank">http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep</a></pre> </body>