Hello everybody.<br><br>I´m writting in the name of argentinian people who have periodic meetings, which we call "Sugar Days Argentina" <br><a href="http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/SugarDaysArgentina">http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/SugarDaysArgentina</a><br>
<br>We are forming a community of software developers and teachers of the area who are interested in exchanging experiences and learn about XO computers and tne platform.<br><br>We are focusing in the following objectives:<br>
* To do periodic meetings with real objectives and activities.<br>* To invite people who want to work.<br>* To work in the use of computers specially in models destinated to education projects called 1:1.<br>* To share work with other developers, specially with teachers who use this programs and can tell us their educational vision.<br>
* To look for the best way to colaborate on line with other current projects (of laboratories or research university group or independent entrepeneur).<br>* To generate different working groups with the same aims but with different specific areas of applicattions:Python, Etoys, Fedora/SUGAR/SoaS.<br>
<br>We would like to reach in the short and intermediate time the following:<br>* To keep active in argentina the spirit of working in: OLPC and SUGAR LAB<br>* To interact with pre existant experiences such as : Sugars Lab's, PERU EDUCA, CEIBAL, RUP JAM, PARAGUAY EDUCA<br>
* To help to have more XO's in classrooms in Argentina and ....to create SUGAR LABS in Argentina.<br><br><b>We ask permission to create our local Sugar Lab for Argentina, as members of the Sugar Labs comunity, accepting and respecting MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <a href="http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Deployment_Team/Local_Lab_MOU">http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Deployment_Team/Local_Lab_MOU</a> and the appropiate use of the LOGO <a href="http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Marketing_Team/Logo#Logo_usage">http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Marketing_Team/Logo#Logo_usage</a><br>
</b><br>If you need more information, please write to the list <a href="mailto:argentina@lists.laptop.org">argentina@lists.laptop.org</a> or to my personal email,<br><br>Greetings...!!!<br><br>Gustavo.-<br>