Hello,<br><br>I have been testing an XS.<br>We are in NY and the server is in Boston.<br><br>I have set the Mesh Server on the XOs (in the Control Panel) for the server's URL, and edited /etc/hosts on the XOs to point toward the server's IP address.<br>
<br>The devices connect just fine, and I can collaborate on activities between some machines.<br><br>I am noticing the following things:<br>1. In the Neighborhood view on the XOs, different devices seem to drop off at irregular intervals. I don't understand why this is happening.<br>
2. Even after a device has been shut down, it still appears in the Neighborhood view on the other devices until they are restarted.<br>3. I don't' see all the devices in the Neighborhood view at any one time.<br><br>
All of this seems different that how I understand how XS is supposed to work.<br><br>So, some questions:<br>1. Is there some timeout function on the server? If so, can it be customized?<br>2. Is there any limit to the number of connections made to an XS from one IP address? I am thinking that since these devices are all coming from my school, they are all leaving the building with one IP address. <br>
3. If there is such a limit, can anything be done about this?<br><br>Thanks. My plan is to deploy 150 machines in the next two weeks, so any help will be greatly appreciated.<br><br>Gerald<br>