Hello to all, regards from Santiago, Chile.<br><br>Sugar Labs Chile (<a href="http://cl.sugarlabs.org">http://cl.sugarlabs.org</a>), joined with the PUCV University (<a href="http://www.ucv.cl/">http://www.ucv.cl/</a>) are going to build a proposal for public funding of curricula integration of innovational technology (<a href="http://www.enlaces.cl/index.php?t=44&i=2&cc=624.483&tm=3">http://www.enlaces.cl/index.php?t=44&i=2&cc=624.483&tm=3</a>), where Sugar will be deployed in it's use for 3rd graders (8-9 year old) in 15 schools (30 courses), in disciplines to be defined (at least, Lenguage and Communication). One of the requirements are that the technology had to be deployed previously and had some evaluative conclusions of it's impact.<br>
<br>There's been a lot of announcement of different assessments of Sugar/OLPC around the world, but I would like to have your opinion on the best evaluations made to today. If they refer to latinamerican deployments would be much better.<br>
<br>Any orientation or reference would be gladly appreciated, thanks and best wishes,<br><br>werner<br>