Greetings to all.<br><br>Patricio Acevedo left the audience shocked after presenting Sugar in the 2nd Innovation Workshop: The Creative Teacher, held in the Metropolitan Educational University, in Santiago, Chile. The workshop strives to present and share educational resources to support learning experiences builted by teachers, so Patricio deployed Sugar's creative potential for teachers and students. Many questions were asked at the end of the presentation (<a href=""></a>), by an excited audience of pedagogical carrers students and professors. More details (in spanish):<br>
<br><a href=""></a><br><br>This is not the first time we present publicly Sugar, but it's the first activiuty we held as Sugar Labs Chile!!! So it's our official kickoff, and we are happy to say that things are starting to move favorably. Patricio's presentation is another step in our effort to generate alliance with this university. The announced Sugar pilot in Punta Arenas will start tomorrow as the responsibles come back from winter break. We will be presenting a formal proposal for a small deployment in Huechuraba (a local county that has bought 2.000 Classmates), to be held in 2010. Step by step, we are moving forward.<br>
<br>We want to appreciatte Bernie Innocenti's support building our wiki (<a href=""></a>), we wil be working on it this week. Thank you.<br><br>Best regards,<br><br>Sugar Labs Chile<br>