<div>GPA Notes 7-30</div>
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<div>Today we played around with random numbers in Turtle Art. </div>
<p>Walter: Does anybody know what random means?</p>
<p>Kid: chaos</p>
<p>Walter: I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Who can guess what it is?</p>
<p>Kids: (Guess numbers until they get it right)</p>
<p>Walter: Random on the computer chooses a number between a range</p>
<p>(Walter shows random block to kids and uses the block with the print block)</p>
<p>Walter: We can tell the turtle random numbers by using the random number block</p>
<p>Walter: (shows kids the program he wrote that uses random numbers for pen size, color, setyx, and shade)</p>
<p>(The program makes a different color and size circle at random locations)</p>
<p>Kid: How do you make a square?</p>
<p>Walter: (makes a square using repeat(4) - forward(100) – right(90))</p>
<p>Walter: (shows kids the forever block to explain why the program keeps going)</p>
<p>The kids went to their computers and started playing around with random numbers. Some of them started off by opening the sample programs and playing around with different numbers. One kid tried making a program that made squares and printed his name at random parts on the screen. </p>
<font face="Arial" size="2"></font><a href="http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=1&view=att&th=122cdd7346a2fafe&attid=0.1&disp=inline&zw" target="_blank"></a><img style="WIDTH: 215px; HEIGHT: 336px" height="495" src="" width="310"><br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Anurag Goel