I visited the Lilla Fredrick School, the one-to-one middle school using apple macbooks in Boston today on some non-sugar business and also talked to them about working with them and their students over the summer to help us make marketing material and documentation such as videos.<br>
<br>We would like to get Sugar working on their macbooks and on the compaq's that they have in the Professional Development room that aren't used much anymore.<br><br>We ran into bugs. On the mac's they seemed to boot fine from the CD+USB but there was some sort of problem with the screen. I've attached a pic, has anyone else seen it? Please comment in ticket 827.<br>
<br>On the Compaq computer it boots fine but no cursor-arrow shows up. If you move the mouse you can tell where it should be, icons highlight, but there is no arrow. Anyone else seeing this one? I've seen it before at the YMCA. Please comment on ticket 828.<br>
<br>Thanks!<br>Caroline<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Caroline Meeks<br>Solution Grove<br>Caroline@SolutionGrove.com<br><br>617-500-3488 - Office<br>505-213-3268 - Fax<br>