Hi,<br><br>I'm going to do a bit of preaching to the choir but I thought it was worth sharing my thoughts to see if everyone is on the same page and to see if anyone has anything to add.<br><br>Why Now?<br><br>If we can get some activities ready in time for G1G1 then we could end up with some synergy on the marketing. Teachers could use it as a way to encourage students to ask for it for Christmas, and our tester recruiting program could get a bunch of publicity.<br>
<br>Why is it important?<br><br>-For Sugar<br><ul><li>Growth in adoption will mean more activities which means we need more testing.</li><li>Teachers are a key factor in getting adopted in the developed world, the success of Moodle shows us that, this is a way to reach teachers</li>
<li>We can explicitly put in the curriculum a suggestion for students to show Sugar to one of their old elementary school teachers.</li><li>Some high school kids are very good programmers, this could potentially be an avenue for programmer recruitment.</li>
<li>Some geeky high school kids have parents who are very good programmers, this could be another avenue for programmer recruitment</li><li>In developing the curriculum we will hopefully find other high quality curriculum that we can reuse. This is an opportunity to find partners that can help in marketing and future curriculum development.<br>
</li></ul>-For Students<br><ul><li>There is a tremendous amount that can be learned and an excellent opportunity for authentic, situated, project based learning. Hardware and Software, Education Theory, Understanding the differences in education world wide</li>
<li>It is an opportunity to bridge the gender gap that currently exists in the US. More girls tend to be interested in Community Service and more boys in computers.</li></ul><br>Anything to add/subtract?<br><br>-- <br>Caroline Meeks<br>
Solution Grove<br>Caroline@SolutionGrove.com<br><br>617-500-3488 - Office<br>505-213-3268 - Fax<br>