[IAEP] [Reminder #2] Sugar Labs Oversight Board Elections 2019-21

Vipul Gupta vipulgupta2048 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 09:25:37 EST 2020

Hello folks,
Just checking in again with a polite reminder for folks who are yet to vote
in the ongoing Sugar Labs Oversight Board (SLOB) 2019-2021 elections. The
election closes on 31st January 2020. You can find more information on the
candidates here

If you are a member of Sugar Labs, you must have received a unique link to
vote from CIVS or civs at cs.cornell.edu with the options to poll for the
candidates. If you know of someone who didn't get the email and is a member
of Sugar Labs. Please do let us know, I would be happy to help you out.

Looking forward to all your hearty participation in the ongoing election.

Vipul Gupta
Mixster <https://mixstersite.wordpress.com/> | Github
<https://github.com/vipulgupta2048> | Linkedin
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