[IAEP] SCaLE 17X March7 -10, 2019

Alex Perez aperez at alexperez.com
Fri Dec 21 19:22:40 EST 2018


It's not about 'splintering' discussion. There are a lot of logistics 
for a physical event, from "I'll bring X, Y, Z" to "meet us here on 
Friday" that simply _should not_ be happening on the iaep mailing list.

Dave Crossland wrote:
> I agree with Caryl, in that unlike me and the 229 others not doing 
> anything for scale, she is doing something and that should only be 
> commended.
> I also think splintering the discussion in many mailing lists is a 
> pity, since email reader app features exist to deal with muting 
> uninteresting threads, and it makes historical research harder.

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