[IAEP] SCaLE 17X March7 -10, 2019

Alex Perez aperez at alexperez.com
Fri Dec 21 19:09:07 EST 2018


Don't take it personally. While I agree James' comment was unfortunate, 
I do also understand what he was trying to say. I find it to have been 
worded quite poorly. We should all move on with the discussion.

Caryl, can you share your thoughts on what additions, as well as 
deletions, if any, should be included in a new banner, logo-wise?

Caryl Bigenho wrote:
> I am saddened and a bit discouraged by James' comments about Tony and 
> I being "too busy to be involved." There wouldn't have been anyone at 
> SCaLE ever if I were not involved. There would be no Primero1° if I 
> had not been involved. There would be no small deployment at a women's 
> shelter in Los Angeles if I had not been involved... etc, etc, etc.
> And as for Tony Anderson... his involvement is totally incredible, and 
> most of it is done "on his own dime." The problem is some people are 
> so impressed with all the things that they do that they lose sight of 
> the fact that many others are also toiling and "fighting the good fight."
> Wake up! We are a team. We need to all work together, each in our own 
> way according to our own skills, abilities, and interests. No one here 
> should put themselves on a pedestal and declare themselves better than 
> anyone else as James has done in his note to Alex, sent to all of us 
> below.
> Caryl

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