[IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Initial tests of Sugar on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Tony Anderson tony_anderson at usa.net
Mon Apr 30 19:47:57 EDT 2018

The next step in this process is to upload the working activities to the 
schoolserver and then downloading and installing on an XO-1.5 with the 
13.2.8 build to verify that these activities also work on an XO. This 
can then form a core of activities.

Part of the reduction in numbers from the 714 in ASLO came from deleting 
the GCompris activities. These are available by installation on gnome 
and then using a simple Sugar activity wrapper. Unfortunately 
maintaining these activities separately requires more investment of 
technical resources than are available. The sugar-web-activities were 
not tested and so should increase the number of available activities.


On Monday, 30 April, 2018 08:18 PM, Walter Bender wrote:
> Thanks Tony. This will help a lot as we try to put the finishing 
> touches on the new activity portal. Also, it will provide further 
> guidance to the student working on GTK2 porting. As far as the Ubuntu 
> bug, it is on our radar.
> regards.
> -walter
> On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 7:44 AM Tony Anderson <tony_anderson at usa.net 
> <mailto:tony_anderson at usa.net>> wrote:
>     On April 27, 2018 I downloaded the ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso. I
>     generated a boot usb drive with dd. The usb stick was used to install
>     Ubuntu 18.04 LTS alongside Windows 10. Sugar was installed using sudo
>     apt-get install sucrose.
>      From http://activities.sugarlabs.org/activities, I scraped a list of
>     the most recent versions of each activity. This list contained 714
>     entries. However a number turned out to be empty or duplicates. These
>     reduced the list to 516 activities.
>     I them matched each item against the repostories in
>     'http://github.com/sugarlabs'. There were corresponding
>     repositories for
>     222 of the 516 activities. All of these repositories (.zip) were
>     downloaded to the Positivo. One turned out to be empty:
>     lybniz_graph_plotter.
>     The 221 repositories were unzipped and an attempt was made to build a
>     bundle with 'python setup.py dist_xo'. This process failed with
>     activities which included 'from sugar.activity import activity'.
>     These
>     have not yet been ported to GTK3. This reduced the number of
>     activities
>     to 106. Each of these activities was launched from the Home View
>     on the
>     Positivo. Of these 91 executed as expected. The others failed to
>     start
>     for various reasons.
>     The details are in the attached spreadsheet - all normal disclaimers
>     apply. The comment 'help' means I didn't really understand how to
>     work
>     the activity.
>     Some general comments. The availability of Sugar on an LTS version
>     of a
>     major distribution is an opportunity to demonstrate that the value of
>     Sugar is not limited to the XO. Unfortunately, the method to launch
>     Sugar is not obvious. You must click on your user panel to show the
>     password entry. Below, there is a 'gear' icon. You must click on
>     that to
>     choose Sugar. Then you need to enter your Ubuntu password.
>     On the first run, you are asked about colors, gender and age. In this
>     age with every site collecting private information for sale - this
>     does
>     not make a good first impression.
>     Sugar on Ubuntu launches to the (empty) Journal View! Ubuntu itself
>     provides a built-in set of welcome slides to introduce its new
>     features.
>     Sadly, Sugar launches to a brick wall. The user needs to know to
>     display
>     the Home View (using F3 or the Frame - F6).
>     The Sugar install is minimal compared to what we have become used to.
>     The Home View has 5 activities: Browse, Calculate, Chat, Pippy, and
>     Write. Installed but not favorites are ImageViewer, Jukebox, Log,
>     Read,
>     and Terminal. Presumably users are expected to install additional
>     activities from the 91 tested above. However, in general, these
>     bundles
>     are not available on activities.sugarlabs.org
>     <http://activities.sugarlabs.org> and require some technical
>     expertise to install from github.
>     On a positive note: connection to the internet and to the
>     schoolserver
>     was smooth. The Neighborhood View worked as expected. Downloads
>     from the
>     school server to the Journal worked as normal. As far as I could
>     tell,
>     the working activities showed normal screen coverage.
>     On Sugar with Ubuntu, you are your Ubuntu user - not olpc. Activities
>     available to all Sugar users on a laptop are in
>     /usr/share/sugar/activities. Activities installed by
>     sugar-install-bundle are in /home/yourusername/Activities and are
>     only
>     available to you. With some technical expertise you can copy an
>     activity
>     to the /usr/share/sugar/Activities directory to share it with
>     other users.
>     Tony
>     _______________________________________________
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> -- 
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
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