[IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Flat design causes uncertainty

Laura Vargas laura at somosazucar.org
Tue Sep 12 14:34:57 EDT 2017

> ... do we have official permission to use OLPC's logo in our Home View?
> James?
> Although the intention to put the child at the center is solid design, the
> XO logo has grown to signify a brand, so I think we should change it,
> regardless.
> +1 for updating the main icon.

In my opinion each day more and more countries adopt educational frameworks
aligned with the *Global Development Goals and Sugar Labs should not be
left behind*.

My personal preference would be to modify the child centered concept it
currently has for an icon that represents the concept of *"using technology
for loving Planet Earth"*.

Peace, love, Planet Earth and/or the "sustainable development" concept on
the main icon will resonate easy with a young generation that today witness
the need for this radical change :D

I would like to hear young voices in community for more ideas.


Laura V
Laura V
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