[IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Motion: To appoint Volunteer Laura Vargas as Sugar Labs Financial Manager [was Re: [SLOBS] URGENT action needed]

Laura Vargas laura at somosazucar.org
Sun Sep 10 21:53:13 EDT 2017

2017-09-10 17:36 GMT-05:00 James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org>:

> Thanks Laura,

You are welcome James.

> ...

As a result, should the motion pass, you're less useful to Sugar Labs
> (in many ways) because you are conflicted; e.g. you are excluded from
> establishing quorum in a board meeting.

In my opinion Walter has done just fine establishing quorum during board
meetings. The positions it's been vacant since 2016
<https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Vacancies> and was previously held by him.

The purpose of the service contract shall be clear: to publish quarterly
financial reports on the SL Finance <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Finance>
wiki page.  The work will be intense as there is more than 1 year and 2
quarters out of date and financial procedures need simplifications and

Next step for the board would be to second the motion and vote.

Regards and blessings from the Amazon forest...

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ L. Victoria

Happy Learning!
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