[IAEP] Sugar Network readings

Laura Vargas laura at somosazucar.org
Sat Apr 15 16:16:00 EDT 2017

Hi all, Hola a todos,

I'm sending some readings you might enjoy about the main (upstream) project
"Sugar Network" concept [1] as well as the first implementation on field
"Hexoquinasa" [2] and "la Red Azúcar" [3].

The design of this solution was the result of the second co-working
marathon (sugar camp lima 2011) hosted here in Perú. Our common challenge
was to provide #purpose to the masive OLPC hardware technology deployed on
field by adding value to the local cultures (extreme customization) and
value to the upstream communities (feedback channels to Sugar developers).

[1] https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Network/Concept#Targeted_audience
[2] http://pe.sugarlabs.org/ir/Proyecto%20Piloto%20Hexoquinasa (In Spanish)
[3] http://pe.sugarlabs.org/ir/Red%20Az%C3%BAcar (In Spanish)

When reading please take into consideration not all functionalities
described on the Sugar Network concept have been implemented. Aleksey and
Sebastian are the main developers in case you have specific technical
questions or suggestions. As per pedagogical support we had the experience
of one active -on field- teacher who intuitively and recurrently used the
network for improving communication skills among her learners. Other than
that, I have assumed active Demo web-user support since Peruvian deployment
on field started on 2014.

I'm very grateful with Sugar Labs infrastructure team for the high level of
service provided so far all these years.  I'm also very happy we have
gotten to this point and hope to be able to continue articulating all
resources available to provide children with the best learning experience
we can deliver.

Blessings and many thanks for your time and support.

Laura Vargas
Sugar Network Project Leader
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ Laura Victoria

Happy Learning!
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