[IAEP] Sugar Labs Vision Discussion in 6 hours

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Wed Jun 15 09:40:42 EDT 2016

On 14 June 2016 at 21:57, Dave Crossland <dave at lab6.com> wrote:

> Should we support the XO-1?
> No:
> The Browse activity is fundementally broken: We can't use old browsers
> (webkit v1) on modern websites, and that hardware isn't powerful enough for
> new browsers and modern websites either; the latest v8 JavaScript JIT
> compiler doesn't work well with the exotic x86 chip on the XO-1.

I actually think this is not that big a deal; there's a lot of good stuff
on the web (obvious example, wikipedia) which is still fine.

> All the XOs require specially crafted Linux kernels, and OLPC doesn't have
> up to date versions so OLPC OS is stuck with Fedora 18. New versions of GTK
> are blocked on the kernel - it seems - and this turns away developers. Its
> not fine! ;)

As Fedora gets newer, it will work less well on the XO-1, assuming more
> resources than the XO-1 has, even if the kernel is updated. Would Puppy
> work better than Fedora going forwards, as it is something intended for
> ultra low power computers?

It seems Jerry Vonau worked on a Fedora 22 version in January -
https://github.com/jvonau/olpc-os-builder-1/commits/F22-host - and I just
spoke to him offline and he said he thinks Fedora 24 could be made to work
with a Fedora 18 kernel.

However, http://www.one-education.org has just announced their new unit,
which is US$260 including tax (but plus shipping from Australia)

Perhaps that should be the reference unit?
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