[IAEP] Motions to create position of Translation-Community Manager

Sebastian Silva sebastian at fuentelibre.org
Wed Apr 6 00:47:47 EDT 2016


I made a small contribution to the Translation Community Manager page,
as follows:

In the first paragraph, I added the following, just to clarify what the
page was about:
/This is a paid delegation currently being debated by SLOBs. //
More importantly, I added a second paragraph to link to previous structures:
/This delegation is not meant to eclipse //Translation Team
<https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Translation_Team>//, its //coordinators
<https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Translation_Team/Coordinator>//, or any
other party interested in helping out with localization./
I hope it is taken well. It does not modify the motions in place at all.


El 05/04/16 a las 04:32, Tony Anderson escribió:
> I submitted motions to the Board as follows:
> I move that the SugarLabs Oversight Board approve the position of
> Translation-Community Manager as described at
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Translation-Community_Manager.
> I further move that Chris Leonard be named to this position effective
> immediately.
> At Adam's request, I am adding a third motion:
> I move that the Translation-Community Manager be paid a stipend of
> $1000 per month.
> I would like to call for seconds to these motions.
> Tony
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