[IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Samson's proposal to SLOBs

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Wed Apr 6 00:12:44 EDT 2016

Hi Samson

Great proposal - and glad to hear you are feeling better :)

I have 2 questions :)

1. You write in the proposal,

the reason why the Yoruba was the most expensive, was because the logistics
Portable internet and internet plan was included, two laptop was included

I am curious about the breakdown of the Yoruba line item :)

How much is a portable internet USB dongle and a plan in Nigeria these

Which laptops did you pick, and what are their costs? Also I wonder which
vendors did you pick? I know that in India (where I've been visiting the
last 2 years) that computers/phones are often bought from small local
vendors who compete a lot to sell cheap chinese hardware; but also Amazon
and other big companies also are popular :)

2. Which software packages will be translated, exactly? The sugar platform,
and some activities, I guess..? :)

Finally, I think it would be cool to think about this funding as
investment, rather than just straight funding. You are going go through the
effort of finding people to translate, teaching them about Sugar, getting
new hardware for Sugar related projects, etc etc! It is a lot :) So, if you
do all that, I recommend thinking about how to use that built up energy and
value in a way that can move towards self-funding this kind of effort. For
example, offering workshops business model, because the risks can be
minimized and it can have low overheads, and there are several markets for
them - eg, offering sugar workshops to wealthier communities of parents who
are passionate about these languages; or, partnering with existing IT
training businesses.


On 5 April 2016 at 10:01, samson goddy <samsongoddy at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you very much Laura for the help you've giving me about my project
> in Nigeria. Also i also grateful to Walter and Chris for their support too.
> I have been really down last week(Sick) but i am getting on my feet now. So
> i did update the proposal to reduce the prices for the languages. here are
> the links to the excel
> https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A02A6B155E984772!452&authkey=!AE8LFLFOt_Zhi04&ithint=file%2cods
> Then the origin document which is attached to this mail.
> Also as much i will like to wait till the translation manager, I intend to
> do this project starting from April so that i can be done before my 2 SAT
> tests. So i would like if SLOBs can vote via email waiting to the next
> meeting will do me no good. This is a favour i am asking from SLOBs.
> Samson Goddy
> ------------------------------
> From: laura at somosazucar.org
> Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 18:47:26 +0800
> Subject: Fwd: FW: Samson's proposal to SLOBs
> To: samsongoddy at gmail.com; sora at unleashkids.org; tim at timmoody.com;
> lionel at olpc-france.org; samsongoddy at hotmail.com
> CC: tony at olenepal.org; canoe.berry at yahoo.com; cbigenho at hotmail.com;
> cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com; godiard at sugarlabs.org; nicestep at gmail.com;
> tch at sugarlabs.org; walter at sugarlabs.org; sebastian at fuentelibre.org;
> iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org
> Hi Samson,
> As promised, I have requested volunteers to continue with the
> Translations/Localization Committe, so we will be able to help you get the
> proposals in good shape to be consider by the board for appoval.
> So to start, it will be me, Sora and Tim, as they have confirmed their
> intention to continue in the Translations/Localizations Committe and help
> out with the proposals.
> So, I am forwarding them cc to IAEP, the documentation we have.
> Sora, Tim,
> Here I'm forwarding the first draft from the Localization Contractor
> Template that was prepared. It contemplates the translation of 40 Sugar
> Projects to 6 native languages.
> I made some suggestions, but basically we ended up with a per/language
> proposal, that shows additional information, like responsible party per
> task and activities to be done in the time line. Am attaching the
> SpreadSheet.
> According to your experiences, I'm asking for your help to upgrade this
> two documents, as they may become the model for others to follow.
> Thank you both for joining forces in the spirit of International
> fraternity, peace and cultural exchange.
> Bessings for all.
> Laura V
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *samson goddy* <samsongoddy at hotmail.com>
> Date: 2016-03-25 2:53 GMT+08:00
> Subject: FW: Samson's proposal to SLOBs
> To: Laura Vargas <laura at somosazucar.org>
> ------------------------------
> From: samsongoddy at hotmail.com
> To: cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com
> CC: walter at sugarlabs.org; calla at media.mit.edu; cbigenho at hotmail.com
> Subject: RE: Samson's proposal to SLOBs
> Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 17:45:05 +0100
> ------------------------------
> From: samsongoddy at hotmail.com
> To: cjlhomeaddress at gmail.com
> CC: walter at sugarlabs.org
> Subject: Samson's proposal to SLOBs
> Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 17:43:16 +0100
> Hello Guys,
>   i am done with the proposal and i will be presenting it to SLOBs for the
> next meeting 1st of April. So i want you guys to please review it before
> the date.
> Thanks
> Samson Goddy
> --
> Laura V.
> I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org
> IRC kaametza
> Happy Learning!
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