[IAEP] Membership deadline.

Sebastian Silva sebastian at fuentelibre.org
Mon Nov 30 18:00:03 EST 2015

*Resumen de campo para a1*
*¿Desea seguir siendo un miembro activo de Sugar Labs?*
*Opción* 	*Cuenta* 	*Porcentaje*
Sí (Y) 	76 	82.61%  
No (N) 	6 	6.52%  
Sin respuesta 	0 	0.00%  
No completada o No mostrada 	10 	10.87%  

We have 76 confirmed voting members so far. I've extended the survey
deadline while we await for more candidates for the oversight board.

Might I take the opportunity to ask the membership to step up to the
challenge of steering Sugar Labs to fulfill its mission /"to produce,
distribute, and support the use of the Sugar learning platform; [to be]
a support base and gathering place for the community of educators and
developers to create, extend, teach, and learn with the Sugar learning


On 30/11/15 14:34, Dan Tenason wrote:
> As a gauge of interest it would be helpful for membership committee to
> publish the aggregate statistics for how many people responded that
> they be interesting in participating in the election scheduled for
> December.

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