[IAEP] New try on a better sugarlabs site

Dan Tenason dan.tenason at mail.ru
Fri Apr 10 18:35:35 EDT 2015

 Is there any proof that sugar is used everyday by nearly 3 million children at stated on the website? My research from 2 countries which have purchased over 100,000 laptops has indicated that due to non-deliver, breakage, and disuse, the term 'used daily by 3 million children' is overstating use by an order of magnitude.

Optimism can be valuable. Deceit, even if you mean well, is not appropriate when dealing with some of the worlds most needy populations. 


Friday, April 10, 2015 5:49 PM -03:00 from Gonzalo Odiard <godiard at sugarlabs.org>:
>Today in #sugar, user anindya shared a new proposal to improve 
>http://sugarlabs.org/ site (the proposal is  anindya.github.io/www-sugarlabs )
>This is the third proposal from a volunteer in the last months.
>But in the different proposals, developers worked with the content available,
>then we have a new design, but the result is the same. And we, 
>the developers usually are not good graphic designers.
>As discussed before we need:
>* Something simple and fast.
>* With a clear message.
>* With a professional design.
>* With links to places where the user can download easy ways to use Sugar
>(VM if the user don't use Linux)
>* A place to point developers to the right places.
>I know Walter contributed to the content, but I am sure he is not going to get angry,
>if I say he is not a marketing guy. (Me neither, of course)
>Sean said we need images and he requested that in the past without success.
>Maybe we can try again?
>We still need a graphic designer (someone in IAEP available?)
>It's possible work in the  sugarlabs.org as a project, with the marketing guys,
>the developers and the designers together? I sent this mail to sugar-devel,
>IAEP and marketing lists. We can follow where is better.
>Gonzalo Odiard
>SugarLabs - Software for children learning 
>IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org
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